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Mould or Root Hair? Microgreens & Sprouts Basics | Seedmart Australia

Is It Root Hair or Mould? Microgreens & Sprouts Basics

  When you’re growing microgreens or sprouts at home, you might notice a white fuzz or hair-like growth on your seeds. At first glance, it can be a bit confusing. Is it the healthy root hair of your microgreens, or could it be mould starting to form? Understanding the difference is important to ensure your […]

Improve Soil Organically | Seedmart Australia

Improve your Soil with Organic Methods

Healthy soils are a complex web of life, teeming with earthworms, beneficial fungi and bacteria. They smell good and are moist and crumbly. Roots are able to penetrate easily, deep into the soil. Plants growing in healthy soils have fewer pest and disease problems. If your soil doesn’t match this picture of health but instead […]

Cover Crop Benefits | Seedmart Australia

An Introduction to Green Manure Crops

Green manures are a cornerstone of ecologically sustainable gardening. These are annual fast-growing crops, usually a legume combined with a grass, that are grown to build both organic matter and nitrogen levels to improve the soil. This combination works well, the legume providing nitrogen and the grass the bulk of the organic matter. ‘Grass’ refers […]

How to Grow Pea Shoots in 10 Easy Steps

Grow your own pea shoots and add the health benefits of these nutrient rich greens to your diet. You’ll be amazed at how easy and quick they are to grow. In less than two weeks, you can have an abundant and beautiful crop of pea shoots. You can use pea shoots in salads, stir fries, […]

Warm Temperate Climate Zone Map | Australia | Seedmart

Climate Zones for Australia

Gardening can be hard work but adding a fight with nature turns it into a constant uphill battle that is going to be lost. Always growing what does best in your area at the right time of year is one of the cornerstones of organic gardening. Many pesticides and fungicides exist because of this simple […]

Which Vegetables to Plant in Autumn in your region in Australia

Which Vegetables and Herbs to Plant in Autumn in Your Region

  With the heat of summer having subsided, you can plant a greater variety of vegetables and herbs. Protect seedlings in the green house ready to plant out for Autumn. Want to find out the vegetables you should grow during Autumn?  Use these charts to help you plan which seed varieties 🥕🥕🥕 to sow in […]

Summer Planting Guide for Flowers in Australia

Which Flowers to Plant in Summer in Your Region

Summer is an enjoyable time of the year for gardening. However summer heat and storms can prove challenging for gardeners. In some regions, sowing in summer is too hot, but there are beautiful summer hardy flower options for most regions and ways to help your seedlings cope with the heat, whether that be a shade […]

Control Caterpillars | Featured Image | Seedmart Blog Post

Organic Methods to Control Caterpillars

Caterpillars, the larvae of moths and butterflies, can wreak havoc on your garden. Some species munch on leaves, while others eat the inside of fruit. In this guide, you’ll discover natural and organic techniques to tackle the leaf-eating species, as they are the easiest to manage. Types of Leaf-Eating Moths & Butterflies The most common […]

Grow Sunflowers | Seedmart Australia | Featured Image

How to Grow Sunflowers

  Sunflowers are vibrant flowers that make you feel happy. They have big, bold, and brightly coloured blooms and petals that resemble the sun’s rays. This ‘How to Grow’ guide has everything you need to know about sowing, growing, and caring for sunflowers. What are Sunflowers? Common Name: Sunflower Botanical Name: Helianthus annuus Family: Asteraceae […]

How to Grow Tomatoes from Seed | Seedmart

How to Grow Tomatoes from Seed

Whether you are a novice home gardener or a confident grower, this ‘How to Grow’ guide features everything you need to know about sowing, growing, and caring for tomatoes (Botanical name: Solanum lycopersicum). Determinate vs. Indeterminate The difference between tomato types is their growth habit or the shape of their fruit. In this article, we […]

Seed Envelopes | Seedmart Australia

Seeds Per Gram Guide

Flower, Vegetable, Herb & Green Manure Seeds In this post, you’ll find out the seeds per gram for popular flower, vegetable, herb and green manure seeds. It is important to note that the seeds per gram can vary widely, even in the same species. For example, tomato seeds can have 250-400 seeds per gram, depending […]

Climate Zones Australia Map | Flowers | Seedmart

Which Flowers to Plant in Spring in Your Region

Spring is an enjoyable time of the year for gardening. The cold winter days are over, and the weather is warming up. Gardens around Australia start popping with colour. Spring is the perfect time to plant a number of varieties of warm season flowers. Want to find out the flowers you should grow during Spring? 🌼 […]

Edible Flowers Ice Cubes Concept | Seedmart Australia

How to Make Edible Flower Ice Cubes

Add a pop of colour and flavour to your ice-cold summer beverages. Growing edible flowers from seed is easy and rewarding. Edible flowers can be added to your salads and as a garnish for your favourite meal. For a refreshing twist, add edible flower ice cubes to your drinks. In this article, you’ll learn how […]

Nasturtium flower closeup | Seedmart Australia

How to Grow Nasturtium from Seed

Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) If you’re looking for an easy-to-grow, versatile, edible plant, you can’t go past nasturtium. They germinate easily, require little fuss and you can get away with growing them in poor soil; they will actually produce more flowers in poor soil. Nasturtium is an ideal seed for beginners to grow and can also […]

Cornflower Blog Featured Image

How to Grow Cornflower from Seed

(Centaurea cyanus) Blue Boy Commonly known as Bachelors buttons, Cornflowers are easy to grow. Preferably in full sun (6 hours per day). They make an excellent addition to a traditional style garden and come in various colours such as white, blue, purple and blue. Their stunning double flowers are ideal for cut or dried flowers. […]

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