How to Sprout Red Clover Seeds

Red clover sprouts have a mild and nutty taste that is similar to alfalfa sprouts. Add them to salads, raw food dishes and sandwiches. 

These nutritious greens are a good source of protein, antioxidants and contain a range of vitamins including A, B, C & K

If you have ever grown alfalfa sprouts, then you can skip this article. You can grow red clover sprouts the same way as alfalfa sprouts. Otherwise, I’ll show you how easy (and quick) it is to grow red clover. 


  • One litre glass sprouting jar.
  • Two tablespoons of non-GMO, non-hybrid and not chemically treated (preferably organic) red clover seeds. Please note: Yellow clover seeds are unsuitable for sprouting as they have a bitter taste.


  • Rinse 2 tablespoons of seeds in cool water.
  • Add seeds to your glass sprouting jar. Top up with water. Soak for 4-6 hours.
  • Drain the water from your seeds, using the sprouting lid (strainer) in your jar. Rinse with cool water for at least a few minutes. 
  • Place your jar upside down in a bowl or in a dish drainer, and leave to drain for 8-12 hours. 
  • Rinse well.
  • Keep your jar out of sunlight for the first 3 days until the tiny sprout tails emerge. 
  • After 3 days, move your sprouting jar to a position with indirect sunlight (direct sunlight will wilt your sprouts). The light will ‘green up’ your sprouts.
  • Your red clover sprouts will be ready for harvest in 4-6 days. 
  • The yield is approximately 2.5 cups of fresh, living sprouts.
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