With the heat of summer having subsided, you can plant a greater variety of vegetables and herbs. Protect seedlings in the green house ready to plant out for
Want to find out the vegetables you should grow during Autumn? Use these charts to help you plan which seed varieties 🥕🥕🥕 to sow in your region.
Here is a list of popular vegetables and herbs that you can grow in the subtropical zone of Australia. This zone includes South-East QLD and Northern NSW:
Broad beans, broccoli, lettuce, onion, peas, radish, shallots, spinach, spring onion and turnip.
Chervil, chicory, coriander, fennel, garlic bulbs, lavender, marjoram, oregano, parsley, rocket, sage, sorrel, rosemary, thyme, winter tarragon and yarrow.
Here is a list of vegetables and herbs that you can grow in the temperate zone of Australia. This zone includes the coastal regions of NSW, Sydney and parts of
Broad beans, English spinach, green beans and peas.
Coriander, garlic bulbs, marjoram, oregano, parsley, thyme and winter tarragon.
Here is a list of vegetables and herbs that you can grow in the cold/southern tableland zone of Australia. This zone includes Melbourne, Tasmania and cool highlands regions.
Broad bean, beetroot, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, English spinach, leek, lettuce, onion, parsnip, potatoes, silver beet, swede and turnip.
Chives, coriander, garlic, lemongrass, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, shallots, tarragon and thyme.
Here is a list of vegetables and herbs that you can grow in the wet and dry tropical zone of Australia. This zone covers the top end of Australia including Northern Territory, Western Australia and North Queensland.
Beans, beetroot, broccoli, cabbage, capsicum, carrot, cauliflower, celery, Chinese cabbage, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, melons, mustard, okra, onion, parsnip,
potato, pumpkin, radish, rosella, silver beet, squash, sweet corn, sweet potato, tomato and zucchini.
Basil, coriander, garlic, garlic chives, marjoram, oregano, parsley, thyme and winter tarragon.
Here is a list of vegetables and herbs that you can grow in the mediterranean zone of Australia. This zone includes Adelaide & Perth.
Broccoli, cabbage, broad beans, cauliflower, celery, English Spinach, silverbeet, lettuce and peas.
Chives, coriander, marjoram, oregano, mustard and parsley.
Broad beans, broccoli, Brussels sprout, cauliflower, lettuce, onion, peas, radish, shallot, spinach, spring onion, tomato and turnip.
Chervil, chives, chicory, coriander, dill, fennel, garlic bulbs, lavender, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, sage, sorrel, rosemary, thyme, winter tarragon and yarrow
Start your Autumn vegetable and herb garden today. Seedmart Australia offers you a range of heirloom, untreated, and non-GMO seeds. Browse our vegetable seed or herb seed range now.Â