
Botanical name: Brassica rapa var. rosularis
Syn. Chinese flat cabbage, tai koo choi (China), choy sum (Malaysia), phak kwang do (Thai), cai ngot bong (Vietnam).

Tatsoi is a popular Asian green with glossy, very dark green, spoon-shaped leaves, that lie flat in a rosette. It has a mild spinach taste and can be used in the same way as spinach or cabbage. The very young leaves can be eaten in salad and it is often used in salad mixes. It grows rapidly and is productive for a long harvest period and can be cut a few leaves at a time. The flowers are attractive to beneficial insects. Sow spring and autumn in temperate areas; March to May in subtropical areas; April to August in tropical areas. It is heat and cold tolerant and slow to bolt. Days to harvest: 21 days baby leaf, 45 – 50 days full size.

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