Australian Grown Black Sunflower Microgreen Seeds
Sunflower is one of the most popular microgreens to grow. They have a nutty flavour and thick, tender leaves and stems. This gives them a crunchy texture, which makes them delicious in salads, sandwiches and raw food dishes.
Nutritional Content
Once sprouted, the nutritional content of these seeds is four-fold.
- Protein content: 20 – 25%.
- Contains a range of vitamins including A, B, C, D, and E.
- Contains calcium, iron and amino acids.
Grow Sunflower Microgreens
Difficulty to grow: Sunflower microgreens can be difficult to grow, due to mould issues. It is advisable that you conduct your own trials to determine the suitability of these seeds. Seedmart Australia does not guarantee these seeds as grower methods and environmental conditions can determine the success of your crop.
Growing medium: Soil or coir peat. Difficult to grow hydroponically.
Soaking: Soak 1 -1 1/2 cups of seeds (for a 30 x 35 cm growing tray) for 8 – 12 hours. The seeds will float to the surface of the water, and won’t soak evenly unless a bowl or lid is placed on top to keep them submerged.
Sprouting: Sprout for one day, using a sprouting jar, tray or hemp sprouting bag. Keep moist. Sprouting softens the hard shell and improves germination.
Growing temperatures: Sunflower thrives in warm, sunny weather and growth can be slow during the cooler months. The ideal germination temperature is 20 – 25 degrees Celsius.
Tray growing: Add 2 – 3 cm of soil or coir peat to a 30 x 35 cm growing tray. Flatten soil with a tray or small block of wood. Moisten soil with water. Sprinkle seeds evenly over the surface of the soil. Ensure that the seeds do not overlap, as this may lead to rot or mould. Press seeds into the soil. Give your seeds a light watering using a spray mist bottle.
Blackout: Cover seeds with a growing tray. Store in a well ventilated, dark spot to germinate. Water 1 – 2 times daily. Keep covered until the seeds germinate (approximately 4 – 5 days). The sunflower shoots will slightly raise the top tray, indicating that they have taken root and are ready to be exposed to sunlight.
Remove the top tray and expose it to direct, outdoor sunlight. Water twice daily. Do not overwater. Your harvest is ready within 7 – 14 days.