MICROGREENS ‘Kale Red Russian’ Seeds
Want to add a ‘pop’ of purple colour to your dishes, but don’t want a spicy, radish flavour? Kale Red Russian has a mild flavour that complements any dish.
Unlike mature kale, micro kale has a sweet and tender flavour. You know that kale is good for you, but you’ll never find it a chore to eat micro kale. There is no bitter taste or chewy leaves. It’s jam packed with nutrients and kale goodness – and yummy!
Red Russian kale is an easy to grow crop that is ready for harvest in less than 2 weeks. The seeds can be a little bit slower to germinate than broccoli or cabbage. Instead of popping their little heads up after a few days, kale can take 4-5 days to germinate. The reward for your patience is that kale produces a beautiful crop with a good yield. A 10 x 20′ tray will yield approx. 300 grams of living microgreens.
Kale is not fussy with the grow medium. Hydroponic, coir peat, hemp mats, or organic soil work a treat with this variety. At Seedmart, we grow this crop on hemp grow mats, with bottom watering. The crop is supercharged by using a small amount of Microgreen Plant Nutrient. We have found that the nutrient helps us get a better quality and yield from our microgreen crops.
Here’s what you need to know about growing kale microgreens:
Pre-soak seeds:
Sow rate:
2.5 – 3.5 grams for a small, punnet, sized growing tray.
Grow medium:
hemp mats, soil, or coir peat.
If growing with soil, you’ll need to add 3-4 cm of soil and flatten the medium. Spread the seeds evenly over the soil. Water well with a spray mister.
Weight the tray:
Germination time:
3-5 days. Stack trays in a well ventilated area away from direct sunlight. Water twice daily.
8-14 days.