Tomato Cherry Brown Vegetable Seeds – Heirloom
The ‘Cherry Brown Berry’ has an excellent fruity sweetness with just a touch of acidity. It is a newer open-pollinated variety bred in the Netherlands. It produces huge yields of dark reddish-brown large cherry tomatoes. It fruits early and crops for months on end. It is highly resistant to splitting, easy to grow and disease resistant. An indeterminate (climbing) type so requires staking. Days to harvest: 72.
Growing Instructions
- Space rows 60 – 150 cm apart.
- Space plants 40 – 60 cm.
- Sowing depth: 0.5 cm.
- Soil temperature: 18 -28°C.
- Maturity: 70 days.
- Sun/shade: Full sun.
- Rich, high organic, well drained soil.
- Grow in Spring and early summer.
- Frost tender annual.