Capsicum Peperoni Lombardo Vegetable Seeds

$3.99$14.99 AUD incl gst

  • Excludes TAS & NZ shipping.
  • Known as a chilli or capsicum due to mild flavour.
  • Italian heirloom variety.
  • We do not ship to Tasmania or WA due to quarantine restrictions.

CAPSICUM ‘Peperoni Lombardo’

Botanical Name: Capsicum annuum

‘Peperoni Lombardo’ is often listed as a chili but it is so mild it is best described as a capsicum. This Italian heirloom is traditionally used in its green stage for pickling or preserving in oil. The fruit is 15 cm long and skinny, 2-3cm wide, tapering to a point. It changes color from a pale green to a bright shiny red. It has a sweet, mild taste and can be used in salads or stir-fries. The bushes grow to 80cm tall and are highly productive.

Plant Type: Warm season, frost-tender annual

Plant Height: 80 cm

Sow When:

  • Temperate: Early spring – inside with extra heat; outside after frost danger has passed
  • Subtropical: Spring
  • Tropical: All year but avoid January – February


  • 7 – 14 days
  • Depth: 6 mm deep

Position: Full sun

Sow Where: Into seedling pots, transplant when soil is warm

Soil Type: Fertile, well-drained soil pH 5 – 6

Spacing: 45 cm between plants


  • Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers as these will promote leaf growth at the expense of fruit; keep moisture constant

Harvest: 90 days; use fresh or pickled; continues to bear over a long period

Additional information

Weight N/A

Packet, 5 grams, 25 grams

Product Specifications

  • Open pollinated.
  • Heirloom variety (Peperoni Lombordo).
  • No Chemical Treatment.
  • Non-GMO.
  • Seeds per gram: Approx. 165.
  • Botanical name: Capsicum annuum.
  • We do not ship to Tasmania or WA due to quarantine restrictions.